Posts Tagged ‘status updates


What’s Your Facebook Sign?

I'm an Aries

You may not believe or follow astrology, but I know for a fact that you know what your zodiac sign is. Also, I know that at some point in your life someone has either read you your horoscope or told you what one of the astrology books said about all the people who were born in the same month as you. Am I right so far? Since I’m on a role, I bet no one has ever told you what your Facebook sign is, right? That’s because I just made the term up.

I have been on Facebook for some time now and I consider myself a well-rounded guy with a pretty diverse group of Facebook friends. Many of them are from different walks of life, but their interactions on Facebook  can be categorized  into five Facebook personality groups, which I call Facebook signs.

Facebook Sign No. 1

The first sign is called LOL.  These are the people who always make you laugh. They put up funny comments or they share links regarding serious topics and poke at it. Their  photos are funny and even their profile pictures are  hysterical . Their Facebook personalities are always humorous.

Facebook Sign No. 2

The second Facebook sign is called Aromatherapy. These are the people who treat Facebook like therapy. Their posts are usually about something that is going wrong in their life and they often turn to Facebook  for advice and guidance. Their Facebook personalities are mostly sad.

Facebook Sign No. 3

The third Facebook sign is called Hustle. These are the people who treat Facebook like a swap meet.  Their posts are always about something they are trying to sell to their Facebook friends. They rarely interact with others on Facebook, unless you show some interest in their product. Their Facebook personalities are pure business.

Facebook Sign No. 4

The fourth Facebook sign is called Preacher.  These are the people who want to uplift the Facebook community. They always post an update or comment that is positive. Their Facebook personalities are kind and genuine.

Facebook Sign No. 5

Last but not least, the fifth Facebook sign is called Paparazzi. These are the people who tell you their every move.  They also tell you what they are doing and how they are feeling  every  moment.

So, those are my Facebook signs. Can you think of any more I should add? I’m not sure what my Facebook sign is since I have a little bit of each Facebook personality, but what about you?  What’s your Facebook sign?

May 2024